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Horwin Senmenti 0

300 km
Charge Time
30 minút
72 kW (96,6 koní)
16 773,95 €💱
Protiblokovací brzdový systém (ABS)
vyrobené v 🇨🇳 Čína
⭐ 🇸🇰 155 -11
Senmenti 0
Battery Life
4000 cycles
72 kW (96,6 koní)
300 km
Charge Time
30 minút
Maximálna rýchlosť
200 km/h

The Senmenti 0 is an electric maxi-scooter from electric vehicle manufacturer Horwin from China. The company has its own factory and is dedicated to state of the art electric vehicles. Its R&D team includes professional racers from 🇩🇪 Germany, 🇦🇹 Austria and 🇨🇳 China.

The Senmenti 0 is one of the fastest motorcycles in the world with an acceleration performance of Z 0 na 100 km/h za 2,8 sekúnd.

The scooter has a 72 000 wattov electric mid-motor with composite belt-drive that provides a top speed of 200 km/h. The motor has a torque of 840 Nm.

The scooter has a state of the art lithium battery that can be charged in 30 minút using a 400V ultra-fast charging system. The battery provides a driving range of 300 km. The battery supports car charging.

Horwin Sentimenti 0 radar systemThe scooter is equipped with state of the art technologies including a collision radar, an advanced anti-theft system, keyless start, advanced lean-sensitive ABS brakes, hill-climb assist, blind spot detection, tyre pressure display, traction control, smartphone app integration, adjustable suspension and a dedicated camera for capturing video and images while driving.

Mobile power station

The scooter provides a regular wall outlet with a 2.2 kWh power output.

OTA service and upgrades

The scooter has over 30 sensors that continuously monitor the state and health of the scooter. Similar to Tesla cars, the scooter is provided with OTA service and software updates that provides the scooter with performance upgrades and new features. The state of the art controller of the scooter is equipped with AI technology to automatically adapt the scooter to the preferences of the driver.

The scooter is available in many colors.

The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

🇪🇺 Európsky Seller

HORWIN Europe GmbH Kammersdorf 173A-2033Kammersdorf🇦🇹 Rakúsko


Horwin 33-1 Building, Hengsheng Science & Technology ParkChangzhou🇨🇳 Čína

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⭐ Zoradené podľa popularity vyhľadávania v Slovensko.

⛽ Prečítajte si o Vodíkovom Podvode Zdravotné riziko: Len Voda ako Vedľajší Produkt je Lož