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Microlino 2.0

Micro Mobility
228 km
Charge Time
180 minút
12,5 kW (16,8 koní)
19 990,00 €
Uzavreté/zastrešené vozidlo
Mikro automobil
Vymeniteľná batéria
vyrobené v 🇨🇭 Švajčiarsko
⭐ 🇸🇰 69 -9
Micro Mobility
Microlino 2.0
Battery Life
4000 cycles
12,5 kW (16,8 koní)
228 km
Charge Time
180 minút
Maximálna rýchlosť
90 km/h
496 kg
Made in Taliansko

The Microlino 2.0 is an innovative microcar made by electric urban mobility pioneer Micro Mobility from Switzerland. The company was the first in the world to introduce the electric kick scooter in 1999 and is dedicated to urban mobility. The Microlino 2.0 is manufactured in Turin, Italy, the birthplace of the Italian automotive industry and 🇮🇹 Iso, the original designer of the microcar. Around 80% of the vehicle's parts are sourced from local suppliers in Europe.

Iso automobiles logo

The Microlino 2.0 design is based on the legendary Isetta microcar that was originally designed and manufactured by the Italian moped and scooter brand 🇮🇹 Iso that was one of the biggest competitors of Vespa and Lambretta in the 1950s. In 1953 the Italian company ventured in the microcar industry with the creation of the iconic Isetta "bubble car", which quickly gained popularity and became a status symbol in Italy.

Isetta www.isorestorations.com

The Microlino has a powerful 12 500 wattov electric motor for a top speed of 90 km/h.

The microcar has a powerful lithium battery for an effective driving range of 228 km. The battery can be charged in just 1 hour using a Type 1 charger. The microcar can also be charged using a regular wall outlet.

Microlino 2.0 platform

unibody chassis

The Microlino 2.0 platform boasts significant improvements in safety and features compared to its predecessor, the Microlino 1.0.

  • The Microlino 2.0 features a new integral automotive unibody chassis made of pressed steel and aluminum parts, enhancing safety and stiffness without adding weight.
  • The Microlino 2.0 has a new light weight NMC battery, replacing the LiFePO4-chemistry battery.
  • The Microlino 2.0 has a new permanent-magnet motor that provides 15% more efficiency and power.
  • The Microlino 2.0 has undergone design enhancements, including a new dashboard and a more spacious interior due to the use of the light weight NMC battery technology.

The Microlino 2.0 has a new digital dashboard.

Microlino dashboard

The microcar provides space for two passengers and 230 liter trunk space for luggage.

Micro Mobility Microlino electric microcar 2 passengersMicrolino trunk space 220 liter

The microcar is available in any color and can be customized.

The Microlino 2.0 can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

active matrix light

🇪🇺 Európsky Manufacturer

Micro Mobility Systems AG Untere Heslibachstrasse 188700Kusnacht🇨🇭 Švajčiarsko

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