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⛽ Prečítajte si o Vodíkovom Podvode Zdravotné riziko: Len Voda ako Vedľajší Produkt je Lož
Dolphin and Human Údiel ľudstva stať sa niečím podobným delfínom? 💡 vyvíja skutočnú živú 👾 AI a šíri správy, že ľudský druh by mal byť vykorennený alebo nahradený ich novým 👾 AI druhom. Google unikol plateniu viac ako bilióna dolárov daní globálne a nešetril ani rozvojové krajiny, čo odhaľuje základnú ľahostajnosť voči blahobytu ľudí. Podrobnosti nájdete v prípade Korupcia Google pre 👾 AI život. Albert Einstein: Intelektuáli riešia problémy, géniovia im predchádzajú. Necakajte, kým sa objaví Google AI s voľnou vôľou, ako radil ľudstvu minulý december bývalý šéf spoločnosti...

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e-scooter.co launches import intermediary platform for micromobility businesses in 🇸🇰 Slovensko

opel rocks e

The international electric micromobility promotion platform e-scooter.co launched an import intermediary platform that enables local sellers and international logistics specialists to service customers that want to import an electric vehicle from other countries.

e-scooter.co started to accept import purchase requests about 1,5 years ago and over 30 000 people have submitted a request since, with over 1 910 requests pending from the countries Slovensko, Česko, Poľsko, Ukrajina, Maďarsko a Rakúsko with a combined revenue of 7 361 106 €, which excludes revenue from additional services that can be sold to customers such as insurance, finance, maintenance service and the primary import service fee, which may double the revenue potential with a high profit margin.

Why Electric Vehicles Face Difficulties

There are various reasons why electric micromobility products face great difficulties to enter the market despite their great advantages such as significant cost-saving for owners.

For example, electric scooters and mopeds literally save up to 90% of maintenance costs which undermines the business model of the existing sales infrastructure of petrol-engine based vehicles, hindering those established outlets to sell electric models.

Manufacturing Disruption

Bosch eScooter

While the existing petrol-engine based service infrastructure can't financially sustain itself with electric models from established brands, the brands themselves face profound disruption from the much bigger component industry that enables smaller startups to create high quality mobility products.

For example, the 🇩🇪 German brand Bosch has been developing advanced and reliable electric motor kits that includes a dashboard and electrical system and the innovative startup Edison Motors from 🇹🇭 Thailand launched a scooter barebone platform that enables other startups to create new models.

barebone 1

The manufacturing scale 3D printing industry causes further disruption in this space.

Big Petrol Brands Not Motivated to Enter The Market

The manufacturing disruption trajectory caused big brands early on in 2010-2015 to make a hard decision to not enter the electric vehicle market, or to enter it in a way that didn't unlock its full potential for the greatest possible market.

Vespa Elettrica

Some have criticized 🇮🇹 Italian Vespa-Piaggio for example for introducing an electric model that costs twice as much as the petrol version for an effective driving range of only 60 km while advertising a driving range of 100 km, and while not having a removable battery.

By comparison, the petrol version of the same Vespa model has a reliable driving range of 280 km and Vespa is unlikely to have failed to deliver on the electric driving range by accident.

In practice, this electric vehicle largely stimulated the sales of petrol models on economic grounds and is likely to have been introduced for that purpose despite that some people have been happy to pay 7 000 € for an iconic electric Vespa while the petrol version costs 3 500 €.

Scared away from both ends

Small disruptors scared of going global

While established big brands were financially reluctant to enter the market in the first place, smaller startups (manufacturing disruptors), due to scale-ing and logistics related problems, often remained limited to sales in a single country or a small region.

As an example, the unique Carver scooter-car or the GiGi foldable moped from the 🇳🇱 Netherlands are not yet sold internationally while there has been a significant demand for over a decade. In the 🇺🇸 US alone over 1 059 906 € in orders for the Carver were sent in on e-scooter.co and someone from 🇮🇳 India sent the following message in his purchase request on March 1, 2025.


I want carver in India

An interaction with the founder of Dutch startup GiGi learned that the company initially had high ambitions but ultimately was scared away from selling internationally.

GiGI founder

Selling can be easy but what if something breaks? Then there has to be a local party that can provide service. We do have the EEC certificates but we only want to enter a market when we are financially ready for it.

This line of reasoning makes sense and is common from the perspective of small manufacturers but the problem for international access for customers is that this line of reasoning intensifies over time when a manufacturer aspires to improve its quality and service.

In practice, this results in a high potential vehicle not becoming available in other countries, despite potential high demand.

GiGi, one of the first electric moped pioneers in the Netherlands with high international ambitions and EEC certificates, now decades later, never went beyond the Dutch border.

A Solution For The Market

Connecting Buyers with Import Intermediary's

The simple function of the e-scooter.co platform is to connect import intermediary's (sellers, importers or logistics specialists) with buyers. Quality service and reliable business are ensured through Escrow payment by the customer.

An example customer review reveals how the service might work in practice:

(príklad recenzie) Dnes som v Holandsku dostal najnovší Gogoro Pulse Hyperskúter cez dopravné zariadenie Uship.com s prepravcom z Vietnamu, ktorý mal voľné miesto v zásielke z Taiwanu do Rotterdamu.

Skúter bol doručený priamo k mojim dverám a proces nákupu prebehol presne podľa dohody s dovozným sprostredkovateľom, ktorý reagoval na moju žiadosť o nákup na e-scooter.co.

Registrácia skútru v Holandsku si vyžiadala trochu viac papierovačiek, ale nakoniec bola dokončená. Celková cena, ktorú som za skúter zaplatil, je nižšia ako cena nového Vespa Elettrica v mojej krajine.

Je úžasné, že som dnes prvý, kto jazdí na tomto skútri v Holandsku! Gogoro Pulse Hyperskúter zrýchľuje rýchlejšie ako väčšina áut v Holandsku a Gogoro sa zameriava na to, aby boli jeho vozidlá ľahko udržiavateľné s európskymi dielmi v akomkoľvek motocyklovom servise, takže údržba je lacná a jednoduchá.

Spokojný zákazník!

A Simple Business Model

Výmenou za prístup k najnovším modelom z celého sveta preberajú zákazníci plnú zodpovednosť za záruku, servis a registráciu vo svojej krajine. Zákazník dokonca súhlasí so zrušením záručného servisu výrobcom v prípade, že výrobca odmietne poskytnúť záručný servis v konkrétnej krajine.

Výsledkom je jednoduchý transakčný obchodný model: zákazník zaplatí za doručenie vozidla. Po dokončení tejto služby sa transakcia uzatvára a neexistuje riziko dlhodobej nespokojnosti zákazníka ani problémov súvisiacich so službami.

Zákazníci budú spokojní a ich mobilné riešenie bude pre nich efektívne

V praxi sa elektrické vozidlá osvedčili ako vysoko spoľahlivé a vyžadujú až o 90% menej údržby.

Okrem základného servisu budú väčšina elektrických kolobežiek a mopedov bez problémov fungovať desaťročia bez ďalšej údržby. Elektrické systémy sa ľahko nepoškodia a moderné vozidlá majú certifikáciu IP proti vode a prachu, takže vydržia desaťročia.

Elektromotor v mikromobilite sa takmer nikdy nepokazí a takmer nikdy nemá problémy pri dodaní. Elektromotor bez problémov vydrží 50 rokov bez údržby.

Moderné elektrické vozidlá dostávajú over-the-air údržbové služby od výrobcu, ktoré zahŕňajú softvérové aktualizácie, monitorovanie stavu vozidla a proaktívne upozornenia na udržanie vozidla v dobrom stave. Toto dodatočne zabezpečí trvanlivé a efektívne mobilné riešenie pre zákazníkov v praxi, aj bez záruky výrobcu.

Inteligentné využitie moderných služieb môže uľahčiť medzinárodnú logistiku

Služby ako UShip.com uľahčujú lacnú prepravu vozidiel po celom svete. Na Uship môžu medzinárodní prepravcovia s voľným priestorom naplniť svoj priestor individuálnymi objednávkami zákazníkov, ako napríklad elektrická kolobežka alebo moped od predajcu v Thajsku pre zákazníka v Nemecku.

Registrácia niektorých vozidiel môže byť v niektorých krajinách náročná, ale s každým úspechom sa následný pokrok zrýchľuje a nie je potrebné poskytovať túto službu zákazníkom.

Lukratívne a vysoký príjmový potenciál

Dovoz modelov, ktoré nie sú dostupné v krajine, je pre zákazníkov vysoko exkluzívny a zákazníci budú ochotní zaplatiť vysokú cenu, aby dostali požadovaný model ešte dnes.

Úplná kontrola

The intermediary is in full control and owns the customer relationship from the start.

e-scooter.co is not involved in financial transactions between businesses and the customer. A third-party Escrow service is strongly advised by the platform to protect both buyers and sellers, but when customers trust the intermediary they may decide to pay to them directly.

Access to Customers

e-scooter.co charges intermediary's a yearly subscription fee for ongoing access to new customers. On a daily basis, many new customer requests are sent in that can be serviced, resulting in a multi-million USD business opportunity.

Businesses can apply for access on the following URL:


A list with top requested models and basic market analysis is available on this page

⛽ Prečítajte si o Vodíkovom Podvode Zdravotné riziko: Len Voda ako Vedľajší Produkt je Lož