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Ola Electric S1 Pro 2nd Gen

Ola Electric
195 km
Charge Time
360 minút
11 kW (14,8 koní)
1 624,81 €💱
Pohon remeňom
Rekuperačné brzdy
vyrobené v 🇮🇳 India
⭐ 🇸🇰 322 -17
Ola Electric
S1 Pro Gen 2
Battery Life
4000 cycles
11 kW (14,8 koní)
195 km
Ľahká motorka
Charge Time
360 minút
Maximálna rýchlosť
120 km/h

The Ola Electric S1 Pro 2nd Gen is a state of the art and high performance Elektrická Motorka Skúter by electric scooter manufacturer Ola Electric from India. The brand Ola is well-known in India and provides several mobility solutions including a Taxi service, a vehicle rental service and a mobile payment provider. The motorcycle manufacturing factory of the company is among the biggest in India with a production capacity of 10 million scooters per year.

German Design Award 2020 Ola ElectricThe S1 Pro Gen 2 is a new version of the popular S1 Pro based on a redesigned scooter platform. The scooter is of exceptional high quality and has many innovative new technologies. The scooter has been awarded the German Design Award 2020.

The scooter has a powerful 11 000 wattov electric motor for a top speed of 120 km/h. The motor provides an acceleration performance of Z 0 na 40 km/h za 2,6 sekúnd. The motor is placed in the middle of the scooter and provides a low center of gravity for stable handling in city traffic.

The scooter is available with an easy to swap and state of the art Lithium battery for a driving range of 195 km. Fast charging provides 75 km range per 18 minutes charge time.

Gen 2 platform

The scooter has a new GEN2 platform with a redesigned electronic and electrical system, a redesigned powertrain, a redesigned frame and a redesigned battery pack.

active matrix light

Ola provides over 2 000 fast charge stations in India and is expanding rapidly. The charge station network is named Ola Hypercharger. The following video provides an example:

Smart Scooter with Apps

The Ola S1 Pro is a true smart scooter. The scooter is provided with a 7" touchscreen cockpit (VCU) powered by Google Android, with an octa-core processor, 3GB RAM, 4G internet, WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth connectivity. The cockpit provides access to navigation apps, a music playlist and it can connect with a smart phone.

The dashboard has a multi-microphone array and provides AI speech recognition based voice control. By saying "Hey Ola", the cockpit becomes awake and ready to take instructions, similar to "Hey Google".

The dashboard can be personalized with a wide range of moods, themes and widgets.

The scooter is equipped with state of the art features including reverse park assist, hill hold system and cruise control. Other features include proximity lock/unlock, remote boot lock/unlock, onboard navigation, geo-fencing, mobile phone call and message alerts and an anti-theft alarm system.

Podobne ako autá Tesla, aj tento skúter je aktualizovaný na diaľku a nepretržite vybavovaný novými funkciami.

34L secure storage compartment

The scooter provides a large 34 liter storage compartment under the buddy seat. It fits two helmets. The trunk is secured and can be opened remotely using a mobile phone app.

The frame of the scooter is made of a lightweight monocoque from Long Glass Fiber Reinforced SMC (sheet molding compound). The frame is designed to be indestructable in a crash. The shells of the scooter are 5x thicker than shells found in many other scooters, providing a high durability and scratch resistance.

The scooter is robust and is designed for all roads, also damaged roads, dusty roads and flooded roads.

The scooter is designed to carry two passengers. The buddy seat provides a comfortable seating and a safety grip enables a passenger to hold on during acceleration.

The scooter has a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery. The regenerative braking system is optimized to enable drivers with some practice to drive the scooter without using the disc brakes, providing an extra saving of maintenance costs while saving power costs.

The electric motor does not require maintenance. When using regenerative braking the scooter could be maintenance free for many years, making the scooter extra economical compared with other electric scooters.

Skúter možno prispôsobiť pre podnikové požiadavky, ako sú doručovanie, bezpečnosť alebo prvá pomoc/sanitka.

The scooter can be ordered in many colors and is shipped world wide.

active matrix light


Ola Electric Mobility Private Limited 100 Feet Road Koramangala 3rd Floor 4th Block, 17th MainKA 560034Bangalore🇮🇳 India

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