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Segway eScooter E125

240 km
Charge Time
120 minút
2,4 kW (3,2 koní)
1 375,95 €💱
Protiblokovací brzdový systém (ABS)
Rekuperačné brzdy
vyrobené v 🇺🇸 Spojené štáty
⭐ 🇸🇰 57
eScooter E125
Battery Life
2000 cycles
2,4 kW (3,2 koní)
240 km
25 km/h a 45 km/h
Charge Time
120 minút
Maximálna rýchlosť
80 km/h

The eScooter E125 is an innovative electric scooter by mobility innovation company Segway from USA. The company is famous for its two wheeled self balancing personal transporter and provides a wide range of electric vehicles and personal robotics since 2001.

Red Dot Design award 2020The eScooter E series is the first scooter made by Segway-Ninebot and is winner of the 2020 Red Dot Design Award.

The scooter has a powerful 2 400 wattov Bosch electric motor for a top speed of 80 km/h.

The scooter has two 27 Ah lithium batteries for a driving range of 240 km.

The scooter has a user friendly digital dashboard.

Segway-Ninebot eScooter dashboard

The scooter is equipped with many unique innovations and has many sensors. One of the innovations is scene recognition by which the scooter automatically adapts or assists according to the scene. For example, when the scooter is pushed uphill, the motor automatically assists to push the scooter uphill. When the driver gets onboard of the scooter, the side kick stand automatically retracts. When the driver walks away from the scooter, the scooter is automatically locked.

The scooter is equipped with GPS and remote control. The scooter can be locked remotely, tracked and trigger an alarm when the scooter is lost. The scooter is equipped with an advanced anti-theft system. The anti-theft system is integrated into the complete body of the scooter.

When the scooter experiences an issue on the road, the scooter automatically sends an SOS to the emergency contact of the driver. If the scooter has not been used for a long time, it will prompt the owner to charge the battery to prevent damage caused by long-term lack of use.

The scooter is equipped with a black box similar to that in air planes that records information about the scooter that can be used as evidence.

The scooter is equipped with Bosch’s 10th generation dual-channel ABS brakes for exceptional braking performance.

IPX-5 Waterproof

The scooter is IPX5 waterproof and can drive through water. The scooter will enable to continue driving during floods and storms while most petrol scooters will fail.

Smart Scooter

The scooter is a true smart scooter and connects to a mobile phone for access to scooter apps.

The scooter is available in multiple colors. The colors for individual parts of the scooter, including the saddle, can be selected via an online configurator.

The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.


Segway Inc. 14 Technology Dr03110Bedford🇺🇸 Spojené štáty
Phone+1 603-222-6000

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