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Silence S01

127 km
Charge Time
300 minút
9 kW (12,1 koní)
6 600,00 €
Rekuperačné brzdy
Vymeniteľná batéria
vyrobené v 🇪🇸 Španielsko
⭐ 🇸🇰 29 -1
Battery Life
2000 cycles
9 kW (12,1 koní)
127 km
25 km/h a 45 km/h
Charge Time
300 minút
Maximálna rýchlosť
100 km/h

The Silence S01 is an efficient and technologically high quality 3-wheel Electric Scooter for heavy duty delivery and courier services. The scooter is a product of a Spanish company that is dedicated to ecological mobility. The company has their own factory and can produce large quantities.

The S01 is a high performance scooter that has a acceleration speed comparable with a 250cc motorcycle.

The scooter has a powerful 9 000 wattov in-wheel electric motor for a restricted top speed of 100 km/h. The scooter accelerates from Z 0 na 50 km/h za 3,9 sekúnd.

The scooter can be restricted at 45 km/h for moped usage.

The scooter has a powerful removable 5 kWh Lithium battery with a range of 127 km (at 45 km/h). The battery has a trolley system that makes it easy to transport the battery. The scooter has a Battery Balancing System (BBS) that ensures the durability of the battery.

The battery has a built-in 600 watt charger that enables to charge the battery in 300 minút.

The battery provides a built-in power outlet for 12v, 24v and 220v output (max. 9 000 wattov). It makes the battery multi-purpose.

The battery also provides a built-in 9 000 wattov heater that enables to warm the battery before charging which enables to charge in extreme cold environments. It also enhances the battery life as charging in freezing temperatures can shorten battery life.

To enhance security of the costly battery, the battery has a built-in GPS tracker that enables to track the battery remotely.

The durability of the batteries has been proven. Tens of thousands of heavy duty cargo scooters in Europe have surpassed 40,000 km usage and have retained 97% battery capacity on average.

Large storage

The scooter has an exceptionally large storage compartment under the buddy seat that fits two helmets.

A lot attention has been given to security. The scooter has a very short braking distance and due to a very low center of gravity the scooter is very maneuverable and stable. An extensive sensor system keeps track of all vital parts of the scooter and adds to security.

The scooter has a reverse mode and has a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery. Regenerative braking reduces air pollution emitted by disc brakes while saving power costs.

Smart scooter

The S01 is a true smart scooter that connects with a smart phone and can be equipped with a 3G mobile SIM-card. The software provides many features including navigation, anti-theft and the ability to remotely unlock the scooter for sharing with friends and family. The software is continuously updated with new features (Over The Air Updates, or OTA).

The scooter can be ordered in any color and is shipped world wide.

🇪🇺 Európsky Manufacturer

Silence Urban Ecomobility Santiago Rusiñol 18-2008950Esplugues de Llobregat🇪🇸 Španielsko
Phone+34 933 72 29 66

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